Spark Updates March 2019
Floorplan details, agent tiers, deposit payment status and more. Some updates to our platform this March!

Floorplan details, agent tiers, deposit payment status and more.
Better Insights Into Floorplans

You can now click on a specific floorplan from the main list to view more details. The updated page now includes an image of the floorplan, any contacts that are interested in or have purchased a unit using that floorplan, and the specific units of inventory that the floorplan is assigned to.
We have also improved the main list, with additional columns to show the number of units using the floorplan, the number of interested contacts, and the number of purchasers.
To see floorplans from the contact list, toggle on the appropriate column. You can also search by floorplan under Contacts → Search.
Automatic Deposit Payment Statuses

Logging deposit payments are already a part of Spark, but now when you mark payment activity, the deposit status will update automatically.
When logging a payment, select either Pending, Paid, Canceled, or NSF. The total value of the payments is tracked on the deposit page. Once the full amount has been paid, and all payments have Paid status, the deposit will automatically be marked Paid as well.
Preview Custom Report Date Ranges

When you’re creating or editing a widget in custom reports, you will now see a preview of the dates of the selected range.
By using a date range instead of specific dates, your report will always stay up to date. The range is responsive and will always update the data based on the day that you are viewing the report.
Set Agent Tiers And Sales Counts

Agents now have tiers. You can add these on the agent edit page and they will show up as part of the agent tag. Tiers are also searchable from Contacts → Search, so you can easily look up agents in specific tiers.

Sales counts are automatically tracked based on firm contracts and can be viewed on the agent’s profile.
Carpenter Optimizations
We’ve made a bunch of internal updates to our email template builder Carpenter to ensure your emails render properly across platforms and systems. Start with a fresh template instead of cloning to ensure you have all the latest changes in your emails.

Feel free to email us at with any questions regarding the new features! Visit us at Spark to learn more about the platform.
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