Product Highlights: Q2 2022 Edition

Integrated Parking Management, contract communication optimizations and a look at our upcoming Email Sync feature
We strive continually to deliver key solutions for our clients evolving needs. From April to June, our Product and Development teams focussed on creating and improving features around Parking Management as well as Contract Communication — specifically regarding keeping key stakeholders and legal teams informed.
Below is an update on the advancements we have made to our platform over the past quarter and how you can best leverage them. Read through to the end for a preview of a major feature release coming in early Q3.
Integrated Parking Management
In the new development real estate industry, tracking parking stall activity tends to be cumbersome and disjointed leaving ample opportunity for error — particularly, when trying to manage included stalls, stalls for sale, location requests, upgrades and total revenue through spreadsheets which aren’t typically standardized from project to project.
To solve these issues, Spark has fully digitized and integrated parking management into our powerful Inventory and Contract tools, allowing you to sell through an already familiar practice.
Auto Allocation
Spark will auto-associate the correct amount of stalls to inventory units on project set up, eliminating time consuming manual allocations. If contracts are rescinded, the auto-allocation will remain on the inventory, also eliminating the need to track this manually.

Any Size. Any Type.
Our parking settings are flexible to allow you to define unlimited parking types and upgrades and set limits within each type to prevent overselling, making it foolproof for your team during a busy launch.
This feature enables you to allocate prior to sales, manage additional sales and assign stall numbers during the completion process. As a result, Contract Revenue Reporting is further enhanced enabling you to specify whether or not parking stall revenue factors into your reports.
Keep Legal Teams in the Loop

This feature is a big time-saver for Administrative and Conveyancing teams, allowing them to copy the Purchaser’s lawyers on any critical project emails essential to the post-transaction process, such as key milestones and closing notices.
Keep Important Stakeholders Informed

Because many Executive teams like to receive a copy of completed contract documents to stay in the loop of recent activity, we’ve added this functionality as part of Signing Settings.
Simply add the contact or Team Member via Settings, save and see their name populate automatically when sending a contract for signatures.
Preview: Email Sync
Through integrating with external email providers, all email communication can now be centralized in Spark, allowing for a smarter way to organize communication across multiple projects.

With Spark’s Email Sync feature, users can sync their inbox or share email accounts with other users on a project. Additionally, prewritten project-specific snippets can be created for your entire Sales team to save time when responding to general inquiries.
Taking the manual entry out of logging an interaction, Spark automatically adds an interaction to any contact you email if they exist in your Spark database. Open & link tracking can also be enabled to keep an eye on important emails while nurturing leads or communicating with purchasers.
No matter the email client, Spark can sync and automate monotonous daily communication for your team.
Learn how top North American developers sell out projects with Spark by contacting